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March updates

Class signups module
All plans

You can use the new class signups module in LemonBooking to set up classes and allow members of the public to sign up. You can offer classes that are run by your venue and classes that are run by third parties. LemonBooking will charge 10p per sign up and the standard card fees apply if you are using SumUp/Stripe/PayPal.

Any approved, public booking can be converted into a class. The module supports multiple signup options (standard, concession, etc.), class passes, discount codes for individual sessions (e.g. taster class) and much more.

If you have customers who hire your venue to put on classes — you can choose to help promote their class, take payments for signups and then offset the income against their room hire bills. If the teacher has enough signups to cover their room hire costs the system will automatically switch from an invoice to a credit (an instruction for you to pay out to the teacher).

The new module can also be combined with the membership module to offer reduced rates - or even free signups - for paid classes to members.

Preview of the class signup module

New help centre
All plans

The help centre has been completely rebuilt from scratch and now includes an intelligent search function, new topics, labels for dependent modules/settings, screen recordings, new code examples and much more. Long topics have been split into sections and each topic now has an "On this page" summary of what it covers.

A "tip of the day" feature has also been added so you can keep learning about the system without being overwhelmed with information on day one.

LemonBooking help centre
The new help topic for bookings
The new help topic for billing

Catering report
All plans

The option to generate work schedules - which allow staff to export or print calendar data - is one of the most popular functions in the system. This system update includes a new schedule type which only shows catering items which can be useful if you need to share food/drink requirements with your catering team.

Transaction fees for online payments
All plans

LemonBooking now shows the transaction fee charged by PayPal/SumUp/Stripe next to each payment recorded in the system so you can easily track what you are being charged. Transaction reports for PayPal/SumUp/Stripe have also been added to the downloads page so you can see the breakdown of each payout you receive.

Stripe transaction fees in LemonBooking

New invoice status "due today"

Previously, invoices have switched at midnight from "not due" to "overdue". A new status has been added to highlight invoices that are due today.

Apply cost adjustments to bank holidays
All plans

Cost adjustments can be used to automatically apply fees and discounts to certain bookings based on a number of conditions including booking group, category, time of day, number of hours booked and more. This update includes a new condition to target public holidays. This new rule could be used to apply an additional opening/closing fee for bookings taking place on bank holidays.

Send scheduled emails at weekends
All plans

You can now configure the system to send scheduled emails at weekends. This can be useful if you have casual staff and/or volunteers that need an overview of the bookings taking place each weekend.

Add your logo to the booking form
All plans

A new booking system setting has been added which allows you to add a logo to PDF booking forms.

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